Via del Trebbio, 1r
ph. +39 055 213768
One of Florence’s historic buche – restaurants in the cellars of ancient buildings, in this case Palazzo Antinori – and also famous for the posters that cover the walls and ceiling. Here the steak comes as a fillet, aged for 20-30 days, 3 fingers thick and cooked over olive wood embers, mild and fragrant.
Via Ricasoli, 14r
ph. +39 055 2693772
The name speaks for itself. The setting is a former antiquarian bookshop a stone’s throw from the cathedral. The star of the menu – but not the only one – is the steak, mainly from Marchigiana or Chianina animals, aged for 20 days and 4 fingers thick. It’s cooked on charcoal embers in an open kitchen, on or off the bone.
Via del Porcellana, 25r
ph. +39 055 212691
An authentic old-fashioned trattoria, always a favourite with artists and intellectuals. The kitchen remains simple: no hob, just wood embers. The steak is aged for 23 days and 3-4 fingers thick ; it is beaten before cooking, breaking the bone.
Borgo Pinti, 10r-18r
ph. +39 055 241341
The domain of the “Prince” – Soldano, the son of Dimitri d’Asburgo Lorena -, this intimate and hidden restaurant is frequented by famous people from all over the world. The Fiorentina steak, aged for 11 days and cut 4 fingers thick, is cooked on the grill and accompanied by the legendary sauté potatoes.
Piazza Giovanbattista Giorgini, 12r
ph. +39 055 475255
This restaurant is much loved by the Florentine locals. The Briganti brothers are famous for their simple yet delicious spaghetti al pomodoro, but their steak is a real speciality too. It’s aged for 22 days and cut to between 2 and 4 fingers.
Via Pistoiese, 6r
ph. +39 055 317206
We leave the city centre to visit a historic and multi-award-winning trattoria, owned by brothers Andrea and Paolo Gori. Their steak is aged for between 21 and 28 days, cut to a thickness of 3 fingers and cooked precisely to a core temperature of 60 degrees.