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Holidays in Italy
The unusual places to visit in the Bel Paese

Italy is a real concentrate of tourist destinations for summer holidays. Between sea, hills and mountains there are many places. Bringing all the possibilities together in one article would prove almost impossible, so we chose to talk about the least popular places in the Bel Paese. Here is a list of wonderful destinations that will make you discover the most genuine side of Italy:

  • Bussana Vecchia (Liguria). It is a small town in the province of Imperia, reborn and repopulated after the 1887 earthquake by artists from all over Europe. The ideal place for a relaxing break after a day at the beach in the Ligurian Riviera. Discover other Ligurian villages here;
  • Reschensee (South Tyrol). It is a semi-artificial body of water born in the 1950s after the construction of a dam. Despite the protests, the work forced the inhabitants of the small town of Curon Venosta to leave their homes. In the middle of the lake only the bell tower remains. A suggestive landscape pampered by the mountains of Vallelunga;
  • Trabocchi coast (Abruzzo). It is located in the province of Chieti and is so called because of the massive presence of overflows: the ancient fishing machines built on stilts. A magical place where you can find sandy beaches or rocky coves, typical villages, traditional cuisine and good wine. Perfect for those who love trekking;
  • San Fruttuoso di Camogli and the Christ of the abyss (Liguria). Near the most luxurious Portofino there is the bay of San Fruttuoso. A small naturalistic jewel that houses, in its crystal clear waters, the submerged statue of Christ of the abyss. The raised hands of the Christ are 10 meters deep while to touch the base you have to go down to 15 meters. Location suitable for lovers of diving or for those seeking an unusual destination where to get married;
  • The Tarot Garden of Capalbio (Tuscany). Extremely well known is Parc Güell, designed in Barcelona by Gaudì, but not everyone knows this green oasis inspired by the work of the Spanish architect. Designed by Niki de Saint Phalle in collaboration with great contemporary artists, the park contains splendid sculptures that depict the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot;
  • The Garden of Ninfa (Lazio). Favorite destination for some of the most famous literary men in history such as Virginia Woolf, Truman Capote, Ungaretti and Moravia who have found inspiration for their books here. Those who have visited it define it as a true paradise on earth.

These are just some of the many destinations that can be visited during a holiday in Italy. The advice we give you is to organize, before departure, an itinerary also made of less touristic places to discover the hidden jewels in our territory.

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