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Dive into fresh water
Take a refreshing river bath in Tuscany

Do you find seawater not refreshing enough, and would you rather experience an unspoilt river surrounded by vegetation? Here are the most beautiful places in Tuscany where you can bathe in cool waters no more than two hours from The Mall Firenze.

Rio dei Briganti Waterfall – Santerno River
Where the Tuscan Apennines meet the Emilian Apennines, the Santerno river forms an almost 30 m high waterfall, which is easy to reach. But even the Mugello area features several bathing spots where you can sunbathe on large, smooth white rocks.

Acquacheta Waterfall
True, we are not in Tuscany, but you merely have to cross the border with Emilia-Romagna to admire the over 70 m leap of the Acquacheta river at this point. Even Dante described it in his Inferno. The hike to get there is rather long, about 2 hours, but we are in the beautiful park of the Casentino Forests, a delight to both eyes and spirit.

Masso delle Fanciulle – Cecina River
In the Berignone Nature Reserve, the Cecina River forms several small beaches, waterfalls and a charming pond nestled between two stone stacks.

Guadine – Renara River
When you see the photos, you instantly think of an Instagram filter, but this is not the case. The Renara river, which passes through Guadine, is crystal clear turquoise, worthy of the most beautiful seas. Choose the spot that suits you best, with more or less deep water; perhaps a small pool of your own.

Malbacco Pools and Waterfalls – Versilia River
Another fresh alternative on the Apuane Alps for visitors to the beaches in Versilia. This time the hue is emerald green. The most famous pool is the one from which you can dive into an approximately 10 m high natural slide.

Candalla Waterfalls – Lombricese River
Bathing in Camaiore with an excellent osteria presenting tables on delightful terraces overlooking the river. You can take a river bath just outside, near a waterfall.

Canyon Park – Lima Torrent
The perfect river for sports enthusiasts, with its adventure park where you can try activities such as ziplining and climbing, but also standup paddle boarding (SUP) rides and yoga on the water.

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