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Festival d'Art Pyrotechnique Cannes 2023
14, 21 and 29 July, 8, 15 and 24 August for the magical show that lights up the bay of Cannes

It’s one of the world’s most spectacular festivals, which every year brings to Cannes – just an hour and a half from The Mall Sanremohundreds of thousands of visitors ready to turn their gaze to the sky for an incredible pyrotechnics display featuring state-of-the-art fireworks launched from boats anchored in the bay.

This is the Festival d’Art Pyrotechnique Cannes – this year scheduled for 14, 21 and 29 July and 8, 15 and 24 August -, an international competition consisting of magnificently orchestrated firework and music displays, genuine themed choreographies of sound and light performed at high speed, in which every fraction of a second is crucial, as the explosions of the fireworks combine with music from well-known soundtracks.

Innovation, aesthetic richness, staging and synchronisation are the parameters considered by the panel of judges who rate the participants, and also by the watching public.

In 2023 – as happens every fourth year – the displays will be even more spectacular, because the winners of the Vestale d’Argent and Jury Prizes from the previous 3 years return to the Croisette to compete for the Vestale d’Oro.

  • 14 July: North Star Fireworks – Norway. Theme: The Divine Comedy
  • 21 July: Rozzi – United States. Theme: Hope
  • 29 July: Jost – Austria. Theme: Rewrite the stars
  • 8 August: Lux Factory – France. Theme: Conscience
  • 15 August: Grand Final – France. Theme: Unexpected
  • 24 August: Sugyp – Switzerland. Theme: In Tim Burton’s shadow

Six nights on which the bay of Cannes will be bright with a thousand lights, ephemeral stars, colours and much more, courtesy of the world’s top pyrotechnicians.

Each display lasts a minimum of 20 minutes.

(photo: Eric Dervaux)

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