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Best virtual tours to discover the world from home
A selection of museums offering digital experiences

Visiting the best museums in the world from the comfort of our home is now possible. In the quarantine period many museums opens theirs collections through virtual tours. The offer ranges from 3D virtual visits to high definition photographic collections. Here is our selection of the most interesting and interactive.

Washington’s Smithsonian, the natural history museum, offers interactive tours through the museum’s rooms. Furthermore, the museum makes it possible to investigate online the animal species present on earth and collects a huge amount of information scattered in books, magazines and databases.

In addition to your virtual ones, the Uffizi Galleries in Florence every day, with the Uffizi Decameron initiative, publish videos and stories dedicated to the masterpieces kept in the Gallery, in the Pitti Palace and in the Boboli Gardens.

The Vatican Museums of Rome present a vast collection of important art sculptures. It is possible to take a virtual tour of the museum park and the iconic exhibitions, including Michelangelo’s ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

At the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome until June 2, it is possible to virtually visit the exhibition on Raphael. Video-stories and insights that, through social channels, will allow you to admire some of the most beautiful works on display and which will present details and curiosities about the largest exhibition ever attempted so far.

The Louvre Museum in Paris offers online tours of some of his finds and works, such as his Egyptian antiquities and Michelangelo’s works. The virtual tour allows a panoramic visit that manages to bring images that can also be viewed in three interactive dimensions onto the screen.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York presents a database of selected works from the Guggenheim’s permanent collection of around 8,000 works of art. The museum makes some of its collections and exhibitions available online, including the works of Franz Marc, Piet Mondrian, Pablo Picasso and Jeff Koons.

Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, opens its doors online with a multimedia route available on Google Maps. An experience to live the Jordan’s jewel by looking at the images and listening to the queen who tells the story of this ancient city.

Prado Museum in Madrid offers its collections online ranging from Spanish, Italian and Flemish artists. It is possible to admire some of the most important and evocative works of art history including Goya, Hieronymus Bosch, Diego Velázquez, Francisco Goya and Titian.

You can visit the vast art collection of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. It is one of the most visited museums in the world and houses works by Caravaggio, Canova, Cézanne, Degas, Gaugin, Van Gogh, Velazquez and other illustrious artists.

Let’s not forget that virtual tours are also an excellent resource for children, to show them the wonders of the world, to study and learn. A way to travel and learn through pieces of art.

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